
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Year of Snake Prediction 2013 (Part 2)

Just completed my feng shui talks for Mah Sing Group and Amee Phillips Exclusive Jewellery at Ipoh . I told the audience that I noticed some of my predictions for the year of snake which I posted in my blog or presented in my previous talks have already occurred. 

To complete my predictions, here go what I have said in my previous talks:-

  1. Broken army star 7 at the West, thus, the dissatisfaction of the people towards the government of the Europe countries will continue to grow and of course, we will see more demonstrations.
  2. Fire star 9 at the South, serious forest fire and drought will happen at Australia.
  3. Strong star and the wealth star now i.e. star no 8 is at the North East, it will help the economy performance of China and Korea. Sabah should get the most benefit from it.
  4. Sickness star 2 at the South West and South West is the palace of the lady master in bagua thus, there will be diseases related to women.
  5. The worst star now, 5 yellow enters to the middle of the chart. There will be unwanted terrorist occurs at the Middle East.

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